Demystifying the Process of Obtaining and Displaying Your Annual Fire Safety Statement in NSW


Fire safety is a critical aspect of any building management plan, ensuring the protection of occupants and property from the devastating effects of fires. In New South Wales (NSW), Australia, obtaining and displaying an Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS) is a legal requirement for most buildings. However, navigating the process can sometimes feel daunting and confusing. In this blog post, we'll demystify the steps involved in obtaining and displaying your AFSS, with the help of Fire Safe, your trusted partner in fire safety solutions.


Understanding the Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS)


An Annual Fire Safety Statement NSW is a document issued by the owner of a building, certifying that all essential fire safety measures within the building have been maintained and are functioning correctly. It is a legal requirement under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 in NSW. The statement must be issued annually and displayed prominently in the building.


Identify Essential Fire Safety Measures


The first step in obtaining your AFSS is to identify the essential fire safety measures applicable to your building. These measures may include fire detection and alarm systems, emergency lighting, exit signs, fire extinguishers, fire doors, and more. Each building is unique, and the required measures will depend on factors such as the building's size, occupancy type, and fire safety risk.


Engage a Competent Fire Safety Practitioner (CFSP)


To assess and certify your building's fire safety measures, you'll need to engage a Competent Fire Safety Practitioner (CFSP). CFSPs are professionals accredited by the NSW Government to inspect and assess fire safety measures in buildings. They will conduct a thorough inspection of your building and provide a report detailing any issues or non-compliance.


Rectify Non-Compliance Issues


If the CFSP identifies any non-compliance issues during the inspection, it is essential to rectify them promptly. This may involve repairing or replacing faulty equipment, conducting maintenance procedures, or implementing additional fire safety measures as required.


Obtain the Annual Fire Safety Statement


Once all essential fire safety measures are in compliance, the CFSP will issue the Annual Fire Safety Statement. This document certifies that the building's fire safety measures have been inspected, maintained, and are in good working order. The AFSS must be submitted to the local council and fire authorities annually.


Display the AFSS


After obtaining the AFSS, it must be prominently displayed within the building. The statement should be placed in a location where it is easily visible to occupants and authorities, such as near the building entrance or in a common area. Displaying the AFSS not only ensures compliance with legal requirements but also serves as a reassurance of safety for building occupants.


Why Choose Fire Safe?


Fire Safe is your trusted partner in fire safety solutions. With years of experience in the industry and a team of qualified professionals, we provide comprehensive fire safety services tailored to meet your specific needs. From fire risk assessments and compliance audits to fire safety equipment installation and maintenance, we have you covered every step of the way.


Our commitment to quality and reliability ensures that your building remains safe and compliant with all fire safety regulations. With Fire Safe by your side, you can have peace of mind knowing that your fire safety needs are in good hands.




Obtaining and displaying your Annual Fire Safety Statement in NSW doesn't have to be a daunting task. By understanding the process and partnering with a trusted fire safety provider like Fire Safe, you can ensure that your building remains safe and compliant at all times. Remember, fire safety is everyone's responsibility, and together, we can create safer environments for all.


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